PCCRC request for letters of intent (21 September 2018 deadline)

The Pollock Conservation Cooperative Research Center (PCCRC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks announces an opportunity for funding of marine research in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The PCCRC funds investigators and students doing research on pollock, salmon, and other groundfish species, and the fishing of and fisheries for these species. In addition, the PCCRC funds research on habitat and ecosystems associated with these species, fishery management, marine mammals, resource utilization, marine resource economics, and policy. Total funding set aside for this competition cycle is $300,000. Proposals of any size within this limit will be considered. 

For more information regarding the LOI process and submission requirements view the full LOI solicitation

For more information regarding the PCCRCs funding process (deadlines, research priorities, etc) visit our request for proposal page. 
