2019 PCCRC PI Symposium

On the 1st of February the PCCRC board and researchers from around Alaska gathered in the Adventure room of the Captain Cook hotel in Anchorage Alaska. Principle investigators and their graduate students gave 30 minute presentations on the status of their projects. A total of 11 presentations (12 research projects and 1 graduate fellowships) were given on research topics ranging from pollock roe dumplings (we hear they are tasty!) to the interactions between arrowtooth flounder and pacific halibut!

On the 31st of December the PCCRC board held a board meeting to discuss current projects and project proposals from the 2019 LOI. Be sure to check the research projects page to see the new research the board decided to fund for the upcoming year!

The PCCRC Board (from L to R): Dr. Keith Criddle/CFOS, Karl Bratvold/Aleutian Spray Fisheries, Austin Estabrooks/At-Sea Processors Assn (non-board member), Dr. Ben Williams/ADF&G, Dr. Larry Hinzman/UAF, Jan Jacobs/American Seafoods Group, and Dr…

The PCCRC Board (from L to R): Dr. Keith Criddle/CFOS, Karl Bratvold/Aleutian Spray Fisheries, Austin Estabrooks/At-Sea Processors Assn (non-board member), Dr. Ben Williams/ADF&G, Dr. Larry Hinzman/UAF, Jan Jacobs/American Seafoods Group, and Dr. Brad Moran/CFOS (Not present Stephanie Madsen/At-Sea Processors Assn.)